Friday, May 30, 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sweet and Sassy

Lainy's dance teacher Misty (who's the best) took her class up to Sweet and Sassy because they won the 6 foot trophy (even though they had to rechoreograph their dance due to a missing child) for those of you that don't know it is a salon for little girls they do your hair, makeup and hair. Tylar got to go also and here is some cute video of them together. (I hope)

So computer dumb :)

K I haven't posted for a while-reason- plain and simple I'm too dumb for this type of technology. I went and bought a new camcorder because (if you haven't heard) Trin is gone and has been for about a month and has another month left before he comes home (Surprise surprise). He is missing out on alot of the kids end of school year activities and I thought it would be fun for him to jump on our blog and watch some videos. Maybe that way he wouldn't be so homesick. Well what was I thinking I can't get the dumb movies to download onto the blog. So if any of you smart people out there have any advise I would love to hear it.